What are programming languages

What are programming languages 

Language is a instrument of communication means it is the way through which we can communicate with others. But in the field of computers languages are the software’s through which can create programs, software’s and other languages.

 Languages are of following types

Machine Languages

These are the languages which are understood by machines with out any translator program. This is the oldest language since computer was digitalized(means Charles Babbage discovered difference engine and analytical engine). In the early ages the computer where programmed by these languages but these were tough to code and debug. Another defect with this was that it was machine dependent means that program of one computer will not run on other computer. Then scientists thought to make it easy to code and debug then they developed another language. Example of machine language is Binary (0,1).

Assembly Language

Another Low level language was Assembly language which was easy to code and debug but it too was Machine dependent and used Mnemonics codes. Since it was not a machine language and it could not be understood by machine directly and needed to be converted to machine language. The translator program used was known as Assembler.
Because of machine dependency software developers developed another type of languages called as High Level Languages.

High Level Languages

These languages are machine independent and are efficient in generating programs . The translator programs used are compilers and interpreters. The codes used in this language are written in English language.

Language Name Translator Code Used Machine Dependency Low or High Level
machine language No translator Binary(0,1) Machine Dependent Low level
Assembly language Assembler Mnemonics Machine Dependent Low level
High Level languages Compiler and Interpreter English like code Machine Independent High level

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