Images in multimedia


Images are generated in two ways:

1. Bitmap Images    

Bitmap images is used for photo realistic images and for complex drawings. These are created using bitmap editors which area also known as painting programs. Bitmap is a matrix of pixels, bit is the basic unit of information which is used in computing and digital communication.
Some sources of bitmap images are:
Screen shot
Copy images

Note:-Pictures are drawn while as images are made due to reflection of light on retina .

2. Vector drawn Images

Vector drawn objects are used for geometrical shapes like boxes circles and lines. These area build using editors known as drawing programs. Vector drawn images works on the geographical formulae to draw line, curve, rectangle . Vector graphics are also known as saleable vector graphics. These are saved with the extension *.svg . Here SVG stands for Saleable Vector Graphics.


Difference between Bitmap images and Vector drawing

Bitmap                                         Vector drawn
1. It is non scalable                     1. It is scalable
2. It takes more size                    2. File size is its advantage

3. It is time consuming              3. Fast in speed.      

It is given. Rather than displaying pre-created images. This means vector drawn is easily scalable without loss of resolution or image quality. 

Converting Bitmap images into Vector drawn images

we can convert from Vector drawn to bitmap very easily by saving the vector file by the extension .bmp, but while converting Bitmap images to vector drawn images is very difficult . To convert bmp into vector we need to have some technical skills. There are various techniques such that:

Auto tracing

Auto tracing  is a technique for producing Vector images from Bitmap image. Bitmap images which are represented by dots could have possible grains, halftone dots or other limitations this can be resolved by converting them into Vector images. There are programs and utilities that compute the bounds of bitmap images or the shapes of colors within the images and then derive the polygon object that describes the image.

Flash is a software for converting bitmap images into vector images. In this software there is a menu called Trace Bitmap which is used to convert bitmap image to vector image.

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