How Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) or Emulator ?

How Create an Android Virtual Devices (AVD)?
Avd is an emulator or simulated mobile phone created in our computer using Avd manager to test our android applications. You can create as many AVD’s as you like based on several versions of android OS like 4.4, 5.0, 6.0, 8.1 etc.
Now the question is how to create this AVD ?
To create an emulator using Eclipse IDE do the following:
Launch Android AVD Manager using Eclipse menu options Window > AVD Manager> which will launch Android AVD Manager. Use New button to create a new Android Virtual Device and enter the following information, before clicking Create AVD button.
To create an emulator using Android Studio do the following:
start android studio then click AVD manager then click new then enter the required information then click on create.
Now your AVD is created successfully it means your environment is ready to develop Android applications.
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