Important Objectives computer networking

Data communication and computer networks 


The layer of the TCP/IP model which lies below the transport layer is:

a) Physical Layer

b) Network Layer

c) Session Layer

d) Application Layer

A packet in the data-link layer is called:

a) Frame

b) Segment

c) Datagram

d) header

OSI stands for:

a) Open Systems Internet

b) Open Systems Interchange

c) Open Systems Interconnect

d) Open Systems Interface

TCP stands for:

a) Transmission Control Protocol

d) Transition Control Protocol

b) Transport Control Protocol

c) Transfer Control Protocol

Which of the following layers is present in the OSI model but not in the TCP/IP model?

a) Data link layer

b) Network layer

c) Transport Layer

d) Session Layer

The bandwidth of an analog signal is measured in:

a) Hertz

b) Bits per second

c) Bytes per second

d) Megabytes or Gigabytes

Which of the following problems can be addressed by the use of an amplifier:

a) attenuation

b) distortion

c) noise

d) all of the above

When different packets encounter different amounts of delay and arrive at uneven intervals of time, it is termed:

a) Latency

b) Noise

c) Jitter

d) Bandwidth Delay Product

Baud rate refers to number of:

a) bits sent per second

b) signals elements per second

c) bandwidth per second

d) None of these

A line encoding scheme that uses three voltage levels, positive, zero and negative is called:

a) Unipolar encoding

b) Polar encoding

c) Bipolar encoding

d) Multilevel encoding

Which of the following is not a part of Pulse Code Modulation:

a) Sampling

b) Scrambling

c) Encoding

d) Quantizing

According to the Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate must be:

a) twice the bandwidth

b) twice the SNR

c) twice the lowest frequency

d) twice the highest frequency

A type of serial transmission in which start and stop bits are used is called:

a) asynchronous transmission

b) synchronous transmission

c) isochronous transmission

d) all of the above

In which of the following digital to analog modulation techniques do we vary the frequency to represent data:

a) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

b) Phase Shift Keying

c) Amplitude Shift Keying

d) None of these

The total number of ports in TCP/IP is:

a) 1024

b) 4096

c) 8192

d) 65536

The connector used for twisted pair cables is called:

a) BNC

b) RJ-11

c) RJ-45

d) Cat-5

Which of the following are omni-directional?

a) Radio waves

b) Microwaves

c) infrared waves

d) All of these

When the individual packet from a source host to a destination host can travel through different routes through the network, it is a:

a) Circuit Switched Network

b) Virtual Circuit Network

c) Datagram Network

d) Message Switching Network

MAC addresses are used at the:

a) Physical Layer

b) Data Link Layer

c) Network Layer

d) Transport Layer

The length of an IP address (IPv4) is:

a) 48 bits

b) 16 bits

c) 64 bits

d) 32 bits

Which one of the following is used for error detection:

a) Virtual Circuit

b) Port

c) Parity Bit

d) Packet

Which one of the following is an error correction code:

a) ARP

b) Cyclic Redundancy Check

c) TCP

d) Parity

When the packet travelling in one direction also carries an acknowledgement of packets sent in the other direction, it is called:

a) Bit stuffing

b) Framing

c) Encapsulation

d) Piggybacking

When more than one station on a shared link is transmitting frames, it can lead to a situation called:

a) Buffer Overflow

b) Scrambling

c) Collision

d) Multiplexing

CSMA is a

 a) Point to Point Protocol

b) Collision detection protocol

c) Transport Layer protocol

d) Encoding Technique

ARP stands for:

a) Address Request Protocol

b) Address Resolution Protocol

c) Autonegotiation Request Protocol

d) Autonegotiation Release Protocol

The maximum speed of the Ethernet protocol is:

a) 100 Mbps

b) 1 Gbps

c) 10 Gbps

d) Limited by the switch or router

The ping command is used:

a) To find out if a host on a network is alive and responding.

b) To find out if we can log in to a server

c) To establish an IP connection to a host

d) All of the above

The Ethernet protocol is:

a) Connectionless

b) Unreliable

c) Both connectionless and unreliable

d) Neither

The minimum length of an Ethernet frame is:

a) 1048 bytes

b) 64 bytes

c) 128 bytes

d) 512 bytes

The maximum length of an Ethernet frame is:

a) 512 bytes

b) 1518 bytes

c) 2048 bytes

d) 4096 bytes

Which of the following mac addresses is a broadcast Ethernet address:

a) 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00

b) 11: 11: 11: 11: 11: 11

c) FF: FF: FF: FF: FF: FF


The original Ethernet was limited to a length of:

a) 2500 m

b) 1500 m

c) 250 m

d) 1000 m

Which of the following media are allowed in an Ethernet:


b) Coaxial

c) Optical Fiber

d) All of the above

The http protocol uses port number ______:

a) 27

b) 447

c) 110

d) 80

The feature that allows incompatible devices like a 1
0 Mbps device and a 100 Mbps device to communicate in Ethernet is called:

a) Bus arbitration



d) Autonegotiation

To convert a URL like into an IP address, _____ is used:



c) Web Server

d) DNS

 ADSL stands for

a) Analog Digital Subscriber Line

b) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

c) Analog Demodulated Subscriber Line

d) Alternate Demodulated Subscriber Line

Which of the following are WAN protocols?


b) ATM

c) WiMAX

d) All of the above

The set of standards that define WiFi are:

a) 802.11x

c) 802.13x

b) 802.14x

d) 802.15x

The data rate of Bluetooth is:

a) 200 Kbps

b) 512 kbps

c) 768 kbps

d) 1 Mbps

The maximum speed of a dial-up modem is:

a) 28 kbps

b) 112 kbps

c) 46 kbps

d) 56 kbps

A geostationary satellite orbits the earth at an altitude of:

a) 24000 km

b) 43000 km

c) 36000 km

d) 27000 km

The minimum number of geostationary satellites required to provide full global transmission is:

a) 3

b) 24

c) 5

d) 6

A device that operates at the physical layer and regenerates the bits but cannot perform any filtering of packets is called:

a) Switch

b) Router

c) Hub

d) Gateway

A device that operates at the data link layer and checks the destination address of a frame to decide on which outgoing port the frame should be sent is:

a) Switch

b) Router

c) Hub

d) Gateway

Which layer does a router operate at?

a) Network Layer

b) Transport Layer

c) Data link layer

d) Physical Layer

What is the number of possible IP addresses in the IP protocol:

a) one billion

b) two billion

c) three billion

d) four billion

End to end addressing at the transport layer are provided by:

a) IP Addresses

b) Port Numbers

c) MAC Addresses

d) URLs

The IP address belongs to:

a) Class A

b) Class B

c) Class C

d) none of the above

If the Network ID part of an IP address is variable in length, the IP address is a:

a) Classful IP Address

b) Classless IP Address

c) Can be either one of the two

d) Depends on the network

 A technique that divides the range of IP addresses obtained by an organization into several subranges is:

a) Subnetting

b) VLANs


d) Hierarchical routing

Which of the following IP addresses is a loopback address?





Which of the following IP addresses is the broadcast IP address?





The protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses to computers that join a network is:




d) TCP

ICMP stands for:

a) Internetwork Configuration Message Protocol

b) Internet Control Message Protocol

c) Internet Configuration Management Protocol

d) Internetwork Control Message Protocol

Which of the following is a routing protocol:

a) RIP


c) BGP

d) all of the above

The IP protocol is:

a) Connectionless

b) Unreliable

c) Both connectionless and unreliable

d) Neither

The maximum allowed size of an IP packet is:

a) 65536 bytes

b) 8192 bytes

c) 32765 bytes

d) 4096 bytes

Fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams is done by:

a) Network layer

b) Transport layer

c) Data link layer

d) All of the above

Which of the following techniques can be used to avoid collisions:

a) Random access protocols

b) Controlled access protocols

c) Channelization protocols

d) All of the above

DHCP stands for:

a) Digital Handshaking Control Protocol

b) Digital Handshaking Configuration Protocol

c) Dynamic Host Control Protocol

d) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

How many classes of IP addresses are there in the classful addressing scheme:

a) three

b) five

c) two

d) ten

Which of the following is a channelization protocol:




d) Polling

Which of the following is a digital multiplexing technique:

a) FDM

b) WDM

c) TDM

d) All of the above

The purpose of a bridge is:

a) To increase the bandwidth of the network

b) To create separate collision domains

c) To increase bandwidth as well as to separate the collision domains

d) To connect to outside networks

The bandwidth of a landline telephone connection when used for voice calling is:

a) 1 Mhz

b) 8 Khz

c) 56 kbps

d) 20 Khz

To find out the IP addresses of all routers that are on the path to a destination host, we can use:

a) ping

b) hop

c) tracert

d) finger

Protocols are

(a) agreements on how communication components and DTE’s are to communicate
(b) logical communication channels used for transferring data
(c) communication channels used for transferring data
(d) none of the above
The method of communication in which transmission takes place in both directions, but only in one direction at a time is called
(a) simplex
(c) full duplex
(b) four wire circuit
(d) half duplex
Error detection at the data link level is achieved by
(a) bit stuffing
(b) cyclic redundancy code
(c) Hamming codes
(d) equalization
The topology with highest reliability is
(a) bus topology
(b) star topology
(c) ring topo
(d) mesh topology
Baud means
(a) the number of bits transmitted per unit lime
(b) the number of bytes transmitted per unit time
(c) the rate at which the signal changes
(d) none of the above
Start and stop bits are used in serial communication for
(a) error detection
 (b} error correction
(c) synchronization
 (d) slowing down the communication
Unmodulated signal coming from a transmitter is known as
(a) carrier signal
 (b) baseband signal
(c) primary signal 
(d) none of the above
Manchester code is a
(a) Bi-polar code 
(b) non return-to-zero code
(c) polar code
 (d) None of the above
Pick the correct statements:
(a) A switched circuit is a dial-up circuit that may encounter blockage (busy signal).
(b) Non-switched leased line supports higher data volume and quality than switched lines.
(c) Non switched lines are expensive for high volume data.
(d) Switched circuit provide s faster response time.
Pick the incorrect statements that pertain to error retransmission used in continuous ARQ method.
(a) Go-back-N method requires more storage at the receiving site.
(b) Selective Repeat involves complex login than Go-back-N.
(c) Go-back-N has better line utilization.
(d) Selective Repeat has better line utilization.
In the carrier sense network if the prevailing condition is a ‘channel busy’, then which of the following are correct?
(a) lf the technique used is non-persistent then it results in randomized wait and sense.
(b) lf the technique used is 1- persistent then the channel is continually sensed.
(c) lf the technique used is p-persistent then randomized retransmission is done.
(d) lf the method used is non-persistent then continuous sensing results.
Which of the following are non-polling systems?
(a) TDMA
 (b) Stop and Wait
(c) Xon/Xoff 
(d) Continuous ARQ
How many characters per sec (7 bits + 1 parity) can be transmitted over a 2400 bps line if the transfer is synchronous (1 start and 1 stop bit)?
(a) 300
(b) 240
(c) 250
(d) 275
The number of cross points needed for 10 lines in a cross point switch which is full duplex in nature and there are no self-connections is
(a) 100 
(b) 45 
(c) 50 
(d) 90
A terminal multiplexer has six 1200 bps terminals and ‘n’ 300 bps terminals connected to it. The outgoing line is 9600 bps. What is the maximum value of n?
(a) 4 
(b) 16
 (c) 8 
(d) 28
The difference between a multiplexer and a statistical multiplexer is:
(a) Multiplexers use TDM (time division multiplexing), while statistical multiplexers use FDM (frequency division multiplexing).
(b) Multiplexers often waste the output link capacity, while statistical multiplexers optimize its use.
(c) Statistical multiplexers need buffers while multiplexers do not need buffers.
(d) Multiplexers use the X.25 protocol, while statistical multiplexers use the ALOHA protocol.
Maximum data rate of a channel for a noiseless 3 kHz binary channel is
(a) 3000 bps
 (b) 6000 bps
 (c) 1500 bps 
(d) none of the above
The maximum data rate of a channel of 3000Hz bandwidth and SNR of 30 dB is
(a) 15,000 bps 
(b) 60,000 bps
(c) 30,000 bps
 (d) 3,000 bps
ln time division switches if each memory access lakes 100 ns and one frame period is 125 us, then the maximum number of lines that can be supported is
(a) 625 lines 
(b) 1250 lines
(c) 2300 lines 
(d) 318 lines
The ________ measures the number of lost or garbled messages as a fraction of the total sent in the sampling period
(a) Residual Error rate
(b) Transfer failure probability
(c) Connection release failure probability
{d) Connection establishment failure probability
 A high speed communication equipment typically would not be needed for
(a) E-mail
(b) transferring large volume of data
(c) supporting communication between nodes in a LAN
(d) all of the- above
Which of the following ISO level is more closely related to the physical communications facilities?
(a) Application
 (b) Session
(c) Network
 (d) Data link
Which of the following is not a field in the Ethernet message packet?
(a) Type 
(b) Data 
(c) Pin-code
 (d) Address
The network topology that supports bi-directional links between each possible node is
(a) ring 
(b) star 
(c) tree 
(d) mesh
In a broad sense. a railway track is an example of
(a) simplex 
(b) half-duplex
 (c) full-duplex
 (d) all of the above
The frequency range al which the land coaxial cables will be used is
(a) 10 6 to 10 8 Hz 
(b) 10 10 to 10 11 Hz
(c) 10 3 to 10 4 Hz
 (d) 10 14 to lO 15 Hz
lf the data rate of ring is 20 Mbps, sjgnal propagation speed is 200 m/μs, then the number of bits that can be placed on the channel of 200 km is
(a) 2000 bits
 (b) 20,000 bits
(c) 1.000 bits 
(d) none of tile above
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