Stages of a multimedia project

 Stages of a multimedia project:

Most multimedia and web projects must be undertaken in stages. Some stages should be completed before other stages begin, and some stages may be skipped or combined. Here are the four basic stages in a multimedia project:

    1. Planning and Costing:

 A project always begins with an idea or a need that you then refine by outlining its messages and objectives. Identify how you will make each message and objective work within your authoring system. Develop a creative “look and feel” (what a user sees on a screen and how he or she interacts with it), as well as a structure and a navigational system that will allow the viewer to visit the messages and content. Estimate the time you’ll need to do all the elements, and then prepare a budget. Work up a short prototype or proof-of-concept, a simple, working example to demonstrate whether or not your idea is feasible.

    2. Designing and Producing:

Perform each of the planned tasks to create a finished product. During this stage, there may be many feedback cycles with a client until the client is happy.

    3. Testing:

 Test your programs to make sure that they meet the objectives of your project, work properly on the intended delivery platforms, and meet the needs of your client or end user.

    4. Delivering:

 Package and deliver the project to the end user. Be prepared to follow up over time with tweaks, repairs, and upgrades.

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